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Would you like to find out how you, or someone in your family, can better manage, or even reverse,
Type 2 diabetes?
Be better informed
Have better health
Enjoy a better future
Does this sound like you?

I’m anxious about the other health issues I’m told might happen if I don’t get control of my diabetes.

My doctor keeps telling me to lose weight but whatever diet I try, I can’t keep the weight off.

I’m confused about what I should be eating. What is healthy and what isn’t?

I’m eating a low fat diet and going to the gym but nothing seems to be helping.

My son has type 2 diabetes, but I worry I’m making him worse with the meals I cook.

Imagine if you could...

Be better informed

  • Know how you can work with your body to manage your type 2 diabetes

  • Know the best food for you and your family’s health

Have better health

  • Healthy blood sugar levels

  • Improved weight management

  • Improved digestion and reduced stomach problems

Enjoy a better future

  • Reduced risk of diabetes-related blindness

  • Reduced risk of kidney disease

  • Have less need for medication

On our FREE course you'll learn:

Which foods are best for your health

How to work with your body to help beat

Type 2 diabetes

How to shop with confidence for healthy foods

How to make changes in your lifestyle that will work for you

What to eat to improve your mental health and wellbeing

Why exercise alone isn’t the answer to weight loss

how managing stress better can help diabetes

How your sleep patterns

could be making your diabetes worse

Want to find out more about our FREE course?

The Eat Well Get Well team will be at

The Medina Mosque, Levenshulme

Saturday the 14th of September

Between 11am and 1pm

They can tell you more about how our course can help you with your type 2 diabetes.

They will also be able to register you for one of our FREE courses.

Can’t make it but still interested in registering for one of our free courses?

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